I recently joined a dungeon type gym to fulfill my New Year's resolution. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the kind of person who enjoys spending a lot of time at the gym. Typically, I try to get there about 45 minutes before they close for the night. My rationale is that by that time there are fewer people there. For the past several weeks I have been going in every single night. At almost the same time I get there, another young woman arrives. Whereas I make myself comfortable on a treadmill, this other woman immediately begins to warm up and stretch. What she does next is very interesting to watch... she proceeds to do an entire kettlebell training routine!
To be perfectly honest, I had never heard of kettlebells before. They look like large bowling balls that have a handle on them. You can use them to do a variety of exercise movements. After about a week of watching this woman do her exercises, I finally worked up the courage to ask her a little bit about what she was doing.
She explained that several months ago she was overweight and very dissatisfied with her appearance. Like me, she would come to the gym and usually get on the treadmill. The problem was that she often got very bored simply walking on the treadmill. I can understand where she's coming from because I sometimes get very bored too. Her solution? To start using the kettlebells that were available at this gym.
It's hard to describe the kettlebell exercise routine that she uses, but I can assure you that it gives her a full body workout. Not only does it help her burns fat, but it also helps her build muscle. This process is extremely tiring -- I can see her feeling very weak after an especially strenuous workout. It combines both cardiovascular and strength training workout.
You might be wondering if a kettlebell workout might be right for you. The first suggestion I have is that you speak to your doctor. You want to make sure that you're given a clean bill of health before you start on this or any other exercise program. The idea here is that you just want to make sure that you're physically fit enough to start winging these things around. The next suggestion that I have for you is that you consider hiring a personal trainer to help show you how to properly use kettlebells.
But if you do not want to hit the gym, it is also a great investment buying kettlebells and work it out at home. The good stuff is that it requires minimal space and you burn fat in less time. Like I said, it combines both cardiovascular and strength training workout. Kettlebells also increase your metabolism because you are doing more compound exercises which target more muscles at the same time.
As I'm updating this blog, I'm actually going to start learning how to use them, and there is a really good chance that I will alternate between using the treadmill and doing a full body kettlebell workout on a routine basis. If you want to lose weight in a relatively short amount of time, then I really think you will try what I'm suggesting. You may have to call around to find a gym that actually has kettlebells. You can always also just ask your gym to consider investing in some. Trust me, you'll be happy if they do!
Don't want to go to the gym? Invest in Kettlebells! Click here and start getting in shape.
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